The use of web-based diaries in sexual risk behaviour research: a systematic reviewCarolyn Stalgaitis, Sara Nelson Glick
10 April 2014
Teen dating violence perpetration and relation to STI and sexual risk behaviours among adolescent malesElizabeth Reed, Elizabeth Miller, Anita Raj, Michele R Decker, Jay G Silverman
27 February 2014
Increasing chlamydia screening tests in general practice: a modified Zelen prospective Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial evaluating a complex intervention based on the Theory of Planned BehaviourCliodna A M McNulty, Angela H Hogan, Ellie J Ricketts, Louise Wallace, Isabel Oliver, Rona Campbell, Sebastian Kalwij, Elaine O'Connell, Andre Charlett
4 September 2013
Highly visible street-based HIV rapid testing: is it an attractive option for a previously untested population? A cross-sectional studySonia Fernández-Balbuena, Luis de la Fuente, Juan Hoyos, M Elena Rosales-Statkus, Gregorio Barrio, María-José Belza, Madrid Rapid HIV testing Group, Jorge Gutierrez, Mónica Ruiz, Rebeca Sánchez, Enrique Regidor
14 November 2013
Contribution of sexual practices (other than anal sex) to bacterial sexually transmitted infection transmission in men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional analysis using electronic health recordsJessica L Nash, Jane S Hocking, Tim R H Read, Marcus Y Chen, Catriona S Bradshaw, Dana S Forcey, Christopher K Fairley
26 September 2013
Understanding perceptions of genital herpes disclosure through analysis of an online video contestMarina Catallozzi, Sophia C Ebel, Noé R Chávez, Lee S Shearer, Adrian Mindel, Susan L Rosenthal
23 May 2013
Comparison of the performance of STI Screening Services for gay and bisexual men across 40 European cities: results from the European MSM Internet SurveyAxel J Schmidt, Ford Hickson, Peter Weatherburn, Ulrich Marcus, The EMIS Network
6 June 2013
Global epidemiology of Trichomonas vaginalisDanielle N Poole, R Scott McClelland
6 June 2013
Condoms for prisoners: no evidence that they increase sex in prison, but they increase safe sexTony Butler, Juliet Richters, Lorraine Yap, Basil Donovan
7 January 2013
HIV testing for acute medical admissions: evaluation of a pilot study in Leicester, EnglandAdrian Palfreeman, Farai Nyatsanza, Helen Farn, Graham McKinnon, Paul Schober, Paul McNally
7 November 2012