High HIV incidence in men who have sex with men following an early syphilis diagnosis: is there room for pre-exposure prophylaxis as a prevention strategy?Nicolò Girometti, Angela Gutierrez, Nneka Nwokolo, Alan McOwan, Gary Whitlock
19 October 2016
How to manage children with anogenital wartsMargaret Kingston, Denise Smurthwaite, Sarah Dixon, Catherine White
6 April 2016
Self-administered interventions for anogenital warts in immunocompetent patients: a systematic review and meta-analysisRicardo Niklas Werner, Lukas Westfechtel, Corinna Dressler, Alexander Nast
1 November 2016
Antiseptic mouthwash against pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a randomised controlled trial and an in vitro studyEric PF Chow, Benjamin P Howden, Sandra Walker, David Lee, Catriona S Bradshaw, Marcus Y Chen, Anthony Snow, Stuart Cook, Glenda Fehler, Christopher K Fairley
20 December 2016
Epidemiological typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and detection of markers associated with antimicrobial resistance directly from urine samples using next generation sequencingR M A Graham, C J Doyle, A V Jennison
11 March 2016
The effect of HIV counselling and testing on HIV acquisition in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic reviewNora E Rosenberg, Blake M Hauser, Julia Ryan, William C Miller
16 August 2016
Population attributable fraction of pelvic inflammatory disease associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea: a cross-sectional analysis of Australian sexual health clinic dataJane L Goller, Alysha M De Livera, Christopher K Fairley, Rebecca J Guy, Catriona S Bradshaw, Marcus Y Chen, Julie A Simpson, Jane S Hocking
18 April 2016
Knowledge of human papillomavirus and the human papillomavirus vaccine in European adolescents: a systematic reviewHersha Patel, Yadava B Jeve, Susan M Sherman, Esther L Moss
20 January 2016
“It pains me because as a woman you have to breastfeed your baby”: decision-making about infant feeding among African women living with HIV in the UKShema Tariq, Jonathan Elford, Pat Tookey, Jane Anderson, Annemiek de Ruiter, Rebecca O'Connell, Alexandra Pillen
12 January 2016
Summer heat: a cross-sectional analysis of seasonal differences in sexual behaviour and sexually transmissible diseases in Melbourne, AustraliaVincent J Cornelisse, Eric P F Chow, Marcus Y Chen, Catriona S Bradshaw, Christopher K Fairley
6 November 2015