The prevalence of, and factors associated with, paying for sex among men resident in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)Kyle G Jones, Anne M Johnson, Kaye Wellings, Pam Sonnenberg, Nigel Field, Clare Tanton, Bob Erens, Soazig Clifton, Jessica Datta, Kirstin R Mitchell, Phillip Prah, Catherine H Mercer
17 November 2014
Drug use, sexual risk behaviour and sexually transmitted infections among swingers: a cross-sectional study in The NetherlandsLaura W L Spauwen, Anne-Marie Niekamp, Christian J P A Hoebe, Nicole H T M Dukers-Muijrers
23 October 2014
A cross-sectional survey exploring attitudes towards provincial electronic health record implementation among clients attending the Provincial Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic in British ColumbiaHeather Pedersen, Darlene Taylor, Mark Gilbert, Melanie Achen, Richard Lester, Gina Ogilvie
5 December 2014
Alcohol consumption and prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among US men in the HPV in Men (HIM) studyMatthew B Schabath, Zachary J Thompson, Kathleen M Egan, B Nelson Torres, Anthony Nguyen, Mary R Papenfuss, Martha E Abrahamsen, Anna R Giuliano
2 October 2014
Sex on demand: geosocial networking phone apps and risk of sexually transmitted infections among a cross-sectional sample of men who have sex with men in Los Angeles countyMatthew R Beymer, Robert E Weiss, Robert K Bolan, Ellen T Rudy, Linda B Bourque, Jeffrey P Rodriguez, Donald E Morisky
12 June 2014
Uptake of the HPV vaccination programme in England: a cross-sectional survey of young women attending sexual health servicesRachel J Sacks, Andrew J Copas, Dawn M Wilkinson, Angela J Robinson
17 March 2014
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections and the risk of adverse obstetric outcomes: a retrospective cohort studyBette Liu, Christine L Roberts, Marilyn Clarke, Louisa Jorm, Jennifer Hunt, James Ward
4 September 2013
The adherence of Trichomonas vaginalis to host ectocervical cells is influenced by lactobacilliNiha Phukan, Tina Parsamand, Anna E S Brooks, Tan N M Nguyen, Augusto Simoes-Barbosa
29 May 2013
Pubic hair removal: a risk factor for ‘minor’ STI such as molluscum contagiosum?François Desruelles, Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham, Dominique Dubois
19 March 2013
Non-disclosure of HIV status in UK sexual health clinics—a pilot study to identify non-disclosure within a national unlinked anonymous seroprevalence surveyAnn Kathleen Sullivan, Emma J Savage, Catherine M Lowndes, George Paul, Gary Murphy, Simon Carne, David J Back, O Noel Gill
13 February 2013